In addition to working on social media strategies for our clients, we also create Canva Templates for evergreen content for their social media platforms. These templates allow companies to reuse branded & appealing content across multiple platforms without having to create new content each time.
Social media can be a great way to connect with your audience, but you don’t technically own any of your contacts. All platforms could disappear tomorrow and you would lose all connection with your audience.
I worked with Amanda to create an email marketing campaign and strategy to help grow her lists and stay in contact with her readers. This included landing pages to register for her newsletter and email templates to use that are branded and engaging for when she sends out emails.
The goal was twofold: first, we wanted to make sure Amanda had an easy way to collect contact information from her readers so she could use it as part of her marketing efforts (like sending them emails, updates, and bonus chapters). Second—and most importantly—we wanted to make sure Amanda didn't lose touch with her audience if social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok disappeared tomorrow.
Work we did together: